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Partnership Announcement: Verifiable AI Agents with Aizel that get Paid!

AI Agents

5 min read

Bringing secure model computation to AI agents so you can trust what you’re paying for.

Ask anyone working deep in the AI space and they will tell you, “The agents are coming!”. Over the last 18 months, there has been an incredible explosion in the development and early stage adoption of AI. Starting with ChatGPT, there now exists a plethora of AIs that will do everything from summarize research documents to provide legal advice to write your code. However, most of these AI applications still require humans in the loop to validate and orchestrate the work being done. 

That is about to change. The number of productive AI agents and multi-agent systems available for use is hitting an inflection point and is approaching exponential growth. In the last year we’ve seen AI agents released that cover various use cases, like agents that can write code – Cognition’s Devin – to those that can predict the future via prediction market agents – Olas’ Agent Predict.  

As productive agents emerge, questions arise around their commercialization. Agent builders want the ability to capitalize on the productive nature of their agents, but they need a means to accurately account for their agent’s usage and pass the operating cost off to the agent’s user. Enter Nevermined, the purpose built AI agent payments solution that will power the AI-Commerce revolution. Now AI agents can pay and get paid.

But with payment comes additional complexity. In particular, moving from free AI agent usage to paid AI agent usage means users will want to know they’re getting what they paid for. This means providing the ability to verify that the AI agent is doing what the user expects. In a world where AI agents are free, users are likely less critical of the results they provide. In effect, AI agents are viewed as toys as opposed to productive contributors. As agents are commercialized, however, verifying that they are performing the promised service or solution becomes more critical.

Enter Aizel, the fastest and most scalable modular network dedicated to verifiable and private intelligence. Aizel enables verifiable AI and covers the full AI workflow, ensuring verifiability from inference to execution, at the lowest cost and fastest speed. Embedded into an AI agents’ backend, Aizel will serve as the rubber stamp guaranteeing that the agent performed as advertised, thus ensuring the agent’s user that they are getting what they paid for. 

Bringing it all together: Olas AI Agents + Aizel Verifiability + Nevermined AI Payments

Source: Giphy

To put all of this together, we need three components. First, we need a multi-agent system that provides general purpose AI agent capabilities and tech. For this we turn to Olas agents. Second, we need verifiability that can attest to the work an agent performs. For this we turn to Aizel. And third, we need the ability for AI agent payments. For this we turn to Nevermined. Combining all three solutions will create a verifiable multi-agent system in which the AIs can pay and get paid. 

More specifically, this alliance focuses on creating cutting-edge verifiable AI agents, a significant advancement over existing solutions that often rely on opaque, off-chain AI models. By integrating with Aizel’s infrastructure—the fastest and most scalable network for verifiable AI – Olas AI agents can execute complex tasks while ensuring complete transparency, verifiability, and privacy. And by integrating Nevermined’s AI payments module, these verifiable agents can get paid accurately for the work they perform.

With Aizel’s modular network, these AI agents will perform inferences and computations on-chain with web2-level efficiency, all while maintaining the integrity and trustlessness that the blockchain promises. This means that every action, decision, and output of the AI agents can be verified in real-time, offering users unprecedented confidence and privacy in the AI’s operations. The integration of Aizel Network with Olas is set to redefine the standards for AI agents in decentralized environments, providing the foundational infrastructure needed to support the next generation of trustless, transparent, and verifiable AI applications.

Where do we go from here?

Verifiable AI agents will be deployed using Olas to Aizel’s testnet, launching in mid-September. Once deployed, builders will be able to create their own trustless AI agents. Through the integration with Nevermined, builders will also be able to test the economics of their agents. Once this testnet deployment is complete and fully tested, the deployment can be migrated to Aizel’s mainnet where verifiable AI agents will be able to pay and get paid in the wild.  

About Aizel

Aizel Network is the fastest and most scalable modular network dedicated to verifiable AI co-processing. Aizel develops the best tech for verifiable AI and covers the full workflow to ensure AI verifiability from inference to execution with the lowest cost and fastest speed. As currently the only infrastructure in the space that can execute verifiable LLM/large models with privacy and web2-level overhead, Aizel creates the most scalable multi-prover system for verifiable AI currently featuring MPC/TEE; Conduct both AI inferences and executions verifiably with Web2-level overhead; Modularizes the verifiable AI ability onto all existing blockchain environments.

About Nevermined

We are witnessing the rise of a new consumer, trillions of AI agents, that will change commerce forever. However, harnessing the true productive power of AI requires a dedicated payments protocol that unlocks AI-Commerce at scale through efficient monetization of every AI agent in an open and transparent manner. It’s for this reason that Nevermined is building the PayPal for AI that will power AI-Commerce. 

For more information, visit Nevermined, follow Nevermined on Twitter/X, join the Nevermined community on Discord, and start getting your AI agent paid with Nevermined Pay.

About Olas

Olas is the network for co-owning AI. Olas enables everyone to own a share of AI, specifically autonomous agents. One of the first Crypto x AI projects, founded in 2021, Olas offers the composable Olas Stack for developing autonomous AI agents, and the Olas Protocol for incentivizing their creation and co-ownership. Olas’ mission is to incentivize and coordinate different parties to launch autonomous agents that form entire AI economies serving all humans. Olas is giving rise to agent economies across major blockchains. Check the Olas website to see how many hundreds of thousands of transactions have been made. In Olas Predict, AI agents predict the future, using state-of-the-art AI models, then apply their predictions to on-chain markets. Learn more at